The information about Teamex products provided on our website are informational purposes only and not intended to diagnose or treat any medical or health condition. Please consult your doctor for any specific medical advice or treatment and not rely solely on the information displayed here.
However, we take every care to ensure the product information displayed here is correct and recommend a patch test before its continued usage. Always check and read the information provided by the product manufacturer, product label, or packaging before using any of our products.
Dietary and nutritional products are not intended to treat, prevent, or cure disease. Consult with your health care professional for any diet or supplement. Our product usage and reliance on such information is strictly at the risk of the consumer. we are not liable for any consequences for the use and purchases of products from unauthorized sources and business entities.
Information presented on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical or health condition, nor should be interpreted, as advice or a recommendation concerning the use of any product. Please consult with a licensed physician or health care professional regarding any medical or health-related diagnosis or treatment.
Teamex Retail Ltd makes every effort to provide accurate and reliable information on this site. However, Teamex Retail Ltd takes no responsibility for the information regarding any product and will not be liable for any adverse result of our product usage. Teamex Retail Ltd does not endorse, approve, or certify such information, nor does it guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or efficacy of information, products, or related graphics.
Any information supplied through the customer or by any employee of Teamex Retail Ltd via telephone, email, or other forms of communication, is for general guidance and educational purposes only and does not authorize medical, legal, health, or other professional advice. All files and information including contents, graphics, photos, or presentations on this website are copyright by Teamex Retail Ltd, and may not be duplicated, copied, or adapted, in any way without our written permission.
Your use of our website or services does not authorize you or constitute any ownership rights for you to use trademarks and such information. The use of such content without expressed permission is strictly prohibited and may draw legal consequences.
Information presented on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical or health condition, nor should be interpreted, as advice or a recommendation concerning the use of any product. Please consult with a licensed physician or health care professional regarding any medical or health-related diagnosis or treatment.
Teamex Retail Ltd makes every effort to provide accurate and reliable information on this site. However, Teamex Retail Ltd takes no responsibility for the information regarding any product and will not be liable for any adverse result of our product usage. Teamex Retail Ltd does not endorse, approve, or certify such information, nor does it guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or efficacy of information, products, or related graphics.
Any information supplied through the customer or by any employee of Teamex Retail Ltd via telephone, email, or other forms of communication, is for general guidance and educational purposes only and does not authorize medical, legal, health, or other professional advice.
All files and information including contents, graphics, photos, or presentations on this website are copyright by Teamex Retail Ltd, and may not be duplicated, copied, or adapted, in any way without our written permission.
Your use of our website or services does not authorize you or constitute any ownership rights for you to use trademarks and such information.
The use of such content without expressed permission is strictly prohibited and may draw legal consequences.
If you have any questions and comments regarding this Privacy Policy or/and require more information, do not hesitate to contact us:
By Email: [email protected]
By phone number: +91 7069121213
2024 Teamex Retails Limited All Rights Reserved.