
Basic Minimalism

Basic Minimalism


Teamex Retail Ltd. This name was initially made public in 2013, and Teamex had just a few items at the time. Today, we are extremely glad to state that the firm that began in 2013 currently caters to over 180 prime-quality products to meet people's requirements.
We hold an ISO 9001-2015 certification. Our quality and useful products are not only medicines but life-enhancing and environment-oriented products, and we fully consider human values.
The marketing plan and management have successfully implemented a sustainable system that has yielded positive results. With very high values in mind, we have only one goal is to reach out to enthusiastic and efficient individuals and uplift them economically and socially. That's why our motto is "Let's win together".
Ahmedabad is fortunate to have our head office there, where the eager and enthusiastic youth in the Teamex family are always ready for the convenience and comfort of the customers. The main office also has a conference hall, administration, and other necessary facilities, as well as a large warehouse where we make every effort to satisfy the needs of the customers.

Our Mission

Teamex is committed to achieving its noble mission of "Poison-Free Farming, Disease-Free Life" by uniting sedulous and vivacious people to become entrepreneurs, fostering their socio-economic growth, and taking India to the next level.

Our Vision

To provide a superior lifestyle to the human society through best quality and health enhancing products at global level and to build a company that India and the rest of the world can trust.

Value We Have

By creating an atmosphere of trust, respect, integrity, loyalty, customer focus and leadership. a person may develop their own unique sense of self and utilise their acquired knowledge and abilities to pursue their own goals.

I Am Mr. Nirmal Patel

- Director Of Teamex

Mr. Nirmal Patel, a mechanical engineer. He saw potential in India's micro villages and was passionate to create a unique venture that would improve health. Inspired by the "Make in India" initiative, he set out to launch a business focused on organic products and a healthier way of life. After exploring villages in Gujarat and discovering the negative impacts of chemical fertilizers on people's health, he founded Teamex with the motto of “Non-toxic Farming & Disease-Free Life”. With 15+ years of experience in research and development and management. Nirmal Patel is now Managing Director of Teamex retail ltd. He firmly believes that the journey of a thousand miles is begins with just a single step, and for that philosophy he is incredibly leading Teamex and making people self-employed. He views the company not only more than just a business, but a way of earning, learning, and serving people with health care and life care products. He works not with the intention that we alone win but with the intention that LET’S WIN TOGATHER. He also believes that business is an opportunity to build a strong nation by empowering people economically.

I Am Mr. Hiren Patel

- CEO of Teamex

Mr. Hiren Patel is a post-graduate in marketing from Symbiosis International. He is a skilled leader with a passion for helping people. His determination, guidance, vision, and ability to work well with others have helped the company become successful and known around the world. He implements his three-step approach of conceptualising, materialising, and implementing to help people transform their lives. He thought that success is not an overnight journey; it takes consistency, hard work, and integrity. As CEO, he leads marketing, strategic planning, team-building, and smooth overseas working at Teamex. Teamex has received prestigious awards at the state and national levels due to Patel's focus on simplicity, transparency, and prompt yet insightful decisions. Hiren Patel envisions taking the company to an international level and promoting the use of time-tested and harmless Ayurvedic products in daily life. He believes every business has the potential to offer something extraordinary to society, and it takes leadership, hard work, innovation, and a clear goal to bring that extra something to light. "LET’S WIN TOGATHER"

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